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Noah's Ark Has Been Found!


In fact you can drive right up to the Ark and take pictures of it!  Can you see the clear outline of the Ark in the below picture?  Only the clear outline of the petrified ship shows above the mudflow that captured it millennia ago.


Government officials in Turkey have declared this to be the verifiable archeological site of Noah's Ark, and built a road up to it for tourists.


Controversial — Intriguing — Biblical — Historical
See petrified remains of Noah's Ark, partly submerged in a mud flow in the center of the picture
—very visible and accessible—


To See 10 More Pictures with commentary


To which someone will say:

Drive right up to Noah's Ark?

You've got to be kidding

I thought it was locked in ice in some remote, unknown, craggy ravine high up on Mt. Ararat.

Many people would say that sounds ridiculous, but the government of turkey has had their own archeologist study the site, and they have officially declared this to be the authentic Ark spoken of in the book of Genesis! And the Koran (Qur'an), as well as the Bible and Pentateuch, contains this book.

To even bring up the subject is to instantly raise a controversy, because there have been so many false reports and folk legends told about it. Yet, just is there is counterfeit money, there is also the real thing. This is a well-known site with a very visible Ark to study, but at the same time we want to bring in well-credentialed scientists to study the site and confirm whether or not this is Noah’s Ark. Let me tell you about the long history of this ancient site, and what our plans are.

The Long History of This Site

According to Ussher, the Genesis flood occurred in 2,348 B.C., making the Ark almost 4,500 years old, IF it still exists. The only way a wooden structure such as the Ark could still be in existence today is for the wood to become petrified before rotting into dust. And that is a possibility.

The fact that the Ark sits in a mudflow at 6,300 feet above sea level gives us a clue. Some scientists think it has been sliding in this mudflow from the crest of the mountain for centuries. It is argued that this mud was once volcanic ash and lava that was spewed there by a local volcano. Over the centuries volcanic ash and lava breaks down into rich, fertile soil. The ash and lava would have sealed the wood very rapidly so that no oxygen could cause the wood to decay.

Or the Ark could have landed in this spot after the ash and lava had turned into soil, and within a short time become buried when an earthquake caused a mudslide. Then water would have had to flow through the wood so that minerals could replace the wood, cell by cell. Little is known about how petrification takes place, but there is reason to believe that what we are calling “Noah’s Ark” is indeed petrified wood. And Wyatt said there is petrified wood lying all over the landscape.

Why Did God Save The Ark For This Time In History?

One thing is clear. If this is Noah’s Ark, then God very deliberately fossilized it for His divine purposes. Now, all we have to do is figure out what that purpose is. Perhaps He preserved the Ark to bring it to the attention to the world at this time in history to emphasize the prophetic age we are now in.


Christians already believe God and His Bible by faith, so finding Noah’s Ark is not needed to build our faith. So, God is not doing this to boaster the faith of Christians, He is doing it for His glory and as a sign to this generation.


Proving this is Noah's Ark will do serious damage to evolutionists and theological minimalists who do not believe the flood happened and that there was an Ark.  The historicity of Noah and the flood will show that God’s involvement with mankind and his history is undeniable…whether anyone repents or not.  And prophecy says that the end times would be like it was in the time of Noah. So the revelation of the Ark may well be a symbol of the fulfillment of that prophecy.


The Location Of The Ark

The location of the Ark is called "the Durupinar site," named after the Turkish army captain that first spotted the ark in an aerial photo in 1959 while routinely examining aerial photos of his country. His report resulted in the first expedition to the site.  

Yet some people refer to this find as “the Wyatt site;” named after Ron Wyatt, the well known amateur archeologist who brought notoriety to the site. 

Ron Wyatt made a model of the Ark and tested it in turbulent waters to prove its stability. Replicas of anchor stones were once suspended from its sides, not shown in the picture.


Today the Ark rests on the side of mount Cudi Dagi that faces Mt. Ararat. This site on Cudi Dagi is a mere 20 miles away from Mt. Ararat and just 1 mile from the Iran border. The view of Mt. Ararat is glorious from the Ark.

In reference to "Judi" (the Turkish word for Cudi) the Sura Hood of the Koran says that "the affair was finished and the ark rested on al-Judi." Is it mere coincidence that the Ark-mountain opposite Ararat, is called Judi?

Pilgrimages To The Ark In Ancient Times

Some history sources indicate that pilgrimages were made to the Ark for centuries until a mudslide buried it, causing the location to be lost until 1959 when another mudslide cleared the site again.

For instance, Flavius Josephus , c. 90 AD, the famous Jewish historian quotes Nicolaus of Damascus who wrote that the remains of the wood of the ark were preserved for "a great while."  In another place he states that "remains of that ark, wherein it is related that Noah escaped the deluge...are still shown to such as are desirous to see them." 

Josephus quotes Berosus the Chaldean Priest, c.290 BC, who wrote: "It is said there is still some part of this ship in Armenia (another name for Ararat)...and that some people carry off pieces of the bitumen, which they take away, and use chiefly as amulets for the averting of mischiefs." 

Statements such as these, of course, could have been based on mere rumor. Nevertheless, they do show that all of these men envisioned the ark as coming to rest on a spot that was accessible.  And even if true, that still does not prove that the site they made pilgrimages to was what is now known as “the Wyatt’s site.” Again, that is why more tests are needed.

The Mountains In The Nation of Ararat

"And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
And the waters decreased continually until the  tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen."
                             ...Genesis 8:4-5

It is almost shocking to discover that the Bible does not say the ark rested on Mount Ararat!  The Genesis account says the ark came to rest in the hary Urartu, or the "mountains of Urartu," and a single mountain is not named.

This is what the Bible actually says: "And the ark rested...upon the mountains of Ararat" (Gen 8:4). "Ararat" was the name of a country or region.  Jeremiah called it the "Kingdom of Ararat" (Jeremiah 51:27). 

The word Ararat is but the Hebrew form of the Assyrian Urartu.  In the late 7th century this general area became known as Armenia.  After King Sennacherib was assassinated by his two sons, they fled from Nineveh to "Armenia" (2 Kings 19:37).

The term "Ararat" and "Armenia" are both translated from the same Hebrew word in the Bible (Strong's Concordance, 780), Ararat simply being the older word by which that country was known.

Today the Turkish name for Mt. Ararat is Agri Dagi (painful mountain) because it is a classic volcano which last erupted in the mid-1800s. There is the possibility that the mountain was not even a mountain (at least to 15,000 feet altitude) at the flood's end.

Our Plans to Excavate the Ark

We are in the process of applying for a visa from the Turkish government to take a team of archeologists and geologists to study the site.  They will be using state of the art equipment to determine if this is or is not an ancient boat.  If it is, then it has to be Noah's Ark because there can be no other explanation for a 515 ft vessel being on a mountain side over 100 miles from a body of water. 

It has been suggested that perhaps this ship is an Egyptian merchant ship that sunk during the deluge.  But history tells us that ship builders could not build a ship over 250 long 4300 years ago.  For there to be even one ship that long had to be something God personally designed.

This mission will make world history and will be talked about for decades!


This is an inside view of the tourist shop built by the Turkish government just a few hundred feet from the Ark.  It contains a museum and a snack shop for tourists that come during the months the weather permits.

CLICK HERE to go to the Noah's Ark Museum site.


The Tourist Shop

Pictured here is the old man that runs the shop (in the middle) and our guide (in the red shirt).


My team called me from the Wyatt Site in Turkey on Oct. 28, 04.  They were there to take pictures and video and to get a feel of the place.  The above and below pictures were taken then.  Click here to see more of their pictures.

Click on picture to see an enlargment of the ark carving
Note the Ark engraving on the stone

So far all observations and testing has been done by competent, devoted amateurs.  Even though the government of Turkey sent one of their archeologists with Wyatt when he did his testing over a decade ago, scientists do not recognizing their findings because Wyatt was an amateur.  That is why we are determined to send in a team of scientists that universities and the news media, and Biblical Archeological Review Magazine recognize as qualified professionals.

Radar scans reported by the Wyatt team show a regular pattern of timbers inside the ark formation, revealing keels, keelsons, gunnels, bulkheads, animal chambers, ramp system, door in right front, two large barrels in front 14 x 24', and an open center area for air flow to all three levels.

Academic—neutral—open minded

We are not doing this to prove that this IS the Ark, nor are we involved to prove that this ISN'T the Ark.  We will conduct ourselves in an academic manner. That means we will also require the scientists to be neutral, and we will stipulate that more than one blind test be run so as to confirm or contradict other tests.

If our initial test shows that this really is the ark, our team will apply for a work pass that will allow us to make a small test excavation (up to 10 x 10 x10 ft at the bow) to see how feasible a full scale excavation will be.

If our team and the Turkey government are still interested, then an excavation of as much of the interior of the ark as is practical will proceed. 

We cannot guarantee that we will get the clearance and finances needed to fulfill these plans, but rest assured we are using all of our resources to do so.  And we cannot guarantee that this is indeed Noah’s Ark.  But even if it is not, we will have made a major contribution to science, and Ark seekers will know to look elsewhere.


To make arrangements for our team to make a presentation for you, or to make a contribution to this project, or to ask questions or make comments, contact us at: .




To See 10 More Pictures with commentary


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Mission Service Ministries
16261 Pin Oak Rd.
Fayetteville, Ark. 72704
(479) 443-2135



1. The Bible says the Ark landed on the 'mountains' of Ararat, not on 'Mt. Ararat (Gen. 8:4).
2. The ancient Armenians never identified Mt. Ararat (which they called Mt. Masis) with the Urartu region where the Ark landed.
3. The Chaldean version of the Bible uses Mount Kardu (or better, mountains of Kardu) in place of Ararat. Mountains of Kardu/Kardum is identical with Gordyeaen Mountains in Greek which Berosus (275 BC) identified with the Ark location.
4. The Gilgamesh Epic (650 BC) states Mt. Nisir as the landing place of the Ark. The annals of Ashurnasurpal II of Assyria (833-859 BC) places it south of the Zab river
5. Theophilus of Antioch (115-185 AD) said the Ark could be seen in his day in the Arabian mountains. Later Church Fathers also mention the Ark as late as the mid 7th century.
6. The Koran of the Moslems (7th cent.) places the Ark on Al Judi, a mountain in the country of Masur. Judi is believed to be a form of Gordea or Kurd.
7. It was in the 13th century that Willam, a traveler, stated for the first time that Mt. Masis was the Ark location (present-day Mt. Ararat).
8. Ptolemy's Geographia (1548) mentions the mountains of Armenia as the place of landing. So does the traveler Nicolas de Nicolay (1558). Both state that Mt. Ararat is equivalent to Mount Gordian, a mistaken identification.

1. Noah's Ark: Fact or Fable? by Violet Cummings (Creation-Science Research Center, San Diego, 1972)
2. The Ark File by Rene Noorbergen (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1974)
3. The Quest for Noah's Ark by John Warwick Montgomery (Pyramid Book, 1974)
4. In Search of Noah's Ark by Dave Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier Jr. (Sun Classic Books, 1976)
5. The Lost Ship of Noah by Charles Berlitz (Fawcett Crest, New York, 1987)
6. The Ark of Noah by David Fasold (Wynwood Press, New York, 1988)
7. Discovered: Noah's Ark by Ron Wyatt (World Bible Society, 1989)

Other Sources:
Discovered! Newsletters of Wyatt Archaeological Research (W.A.R.) September 1992 to Present
Discovered! Noah's Ark video by W.A.R.
Surprising Discoveries video by Jonathan Gray (available from the Anchorstone web site)


Recommended for further reading:'s_ark.htm

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Mission Service Ministries
16261 Pin Oak Rd.
Fayetteville, Ark. 72704
(479) 443-2135
















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